O.J. Simpson was the only suspect ever really considered for the killings, according to what a lead investigator said during the so-called "trial of the century" per the Associated Press, in which Simpson was acquitted of the double murders after nearly nine months of testimony.
Still, shortly after the killings neighbors started sharing what they knew. One told the Los Angeles Times he'd seen O.J. Simpson there several times, but that's not unusual since the couple shared children. Another said they'd see Nicole walking her dog sometimes and wondered if she was attacked during a dog walk, as he said there was a dog walking unattended on a leash found the next morning.
Another said she'd heard the non-stop barking of dogs a little before midnight, telling the Los Angeles Times, "It made me think something was going on with the neighbors."
Though Simpson was later held liable for Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman's deaths in a civil trial, to this day, no other suspects have been named for the crime of showing up outside of Brown Simpson's home, wildly stabbing and slashing her and Goldman, then running off. There were no signs of robbery, burglary, or any known motives for the vicious killings.