I have a path and i would like to get the path starting from a specific path This is my current path
macro(MY_MACRO base) foreach(ITEM ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(ITEM_PATH ${ITEM} DIRECTORY) get_filename_component(ITEM_EXT ${ITEM} EXT) source_group("${ITEM_PATH}" FILES ${ITEM}) MESSAGE ("${ITEM_PATH}") endforeach() endmacro()
The above outputs this
/Users/admin/main/project/module/pilot/pilot/src/proA /Users/admin/main/project/module/pilot/guide/src/proB
I would like it to just display the path starting from the last level it should only show the path after the folder pilot so it should show something like this
pilot/src/proA guide/src/proB
Not the full path
11 Answer
Command file(RELATIVE_PATH) computes relative path. Usage is straightforward:
file(RELATIVE_PATH ITEM_PATH_REL # Output variable "/Users/admin/main/project/module/pilot" # Base directory ${ITEM_PATH} # Absolute path to the file ) message("Relative path: ${ITEM_PATH_REL}")