Shannon Csapilla, 20, was charged with criminal mischief on on Thursday for allegedly vandalizing her boyfriend and friend's car
A woman who thought her boyfriend was cheating on her with one of her friends allegedly tried to spell out just how she felt by keying their cars and puncturing their tires.
Stamford, Connecticut police say they initially had trouble finding the motive for Shannon Csapilla's, 20, alleged crime when they spotted the word, 'wore' on her former friend's car.
Authorities said later that Csapilla was actually trying to spell out the word 'wh*re and that she'd left out the letter h. She was charged with criminal mischief on Thursday.
Csapilla was interviewed by criminal mischief on at the Stamford Police headquarters where she denied damaging the two cars.
Gawker reports that she immediately 'outed herself' following the meeting when she posted a photo of her outside the police headquarters along with the caption, 'Stamford Police have nothing on me' to her Snapchat.
'Unbeknownst to her, we did have enough and we obtained two arrest warrants from a judge and took her into custody at her home,' Lt. Diedrich Hohn of the Stamford PD told the Advocate.
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ShareHohn said Csapilla sent angry texts to her ex-boyfriend, alluding to the fact that she keyed the cars.
Police say that Csapilla admitted to vandalizing her boyfriend's car at least once during the conversation.
Csapilla's Facebook has since been deleted but on it she poses for a variety of selfies. The blonde was released on Thursday after posting a $10,000 court appearance bond. She was ordered not to contact or boyfriend or former friend.

What's the motive? Stamford, Connecticut police say they initially had trouble finding the motive for Shannon Csapilla's, 20, alleged crime when they spotted the word, 'wore' on her former friend's car

Spelling issue: Authorities said later that Csapilla was actually trying to spell out the word 'wh*re' and that she'd forgotten to write an h in the word