The NBC news correspondent who got sick on air is now a proud mother to a sweet baby girl! Julia Ainsley and her husband, Newman Ainsley, welcomed the newest member to their family after a "nauseous" pregnancy.
When Julia Ainsley was called to the Justice Department to report an event live on May 29, she went for it without much thought. After all, she was familiar with the story and she had covered all the details of the news. But it wasn't a regular live reporting on TV to her since she was seven weeks pregnant.
Ainsley was expecting her first child and as a professional woman who worked all day, she barely had the time to even think about how she could make her pregnancy easier. In fact, according to her, she didn't even give a second thought about what she ate and hydration was something that she didn't really think of.

Julia Ainsley during an on air reporting for NBC. | Source: YouTube/MSNBC
In an interview with NBC, the news correspondent shared how her morning routine had been like the day she got sick on live TV.
"That morning, I figured a popsicle and a piece of blueberry bread on my way out the door would suffice. But the throws of morning sickness were just starting to set in. And as we started our second hour of coverage, I started eyeing flower pots as potential targets in case I needed to make a run for it."
At one point during the live coverage, Ainsley thought that she wasn't even in the frame when she hadn't on air spoken for around 30 minutes. When nausea really started to kick in, she motioned to the control room and whispered that she was going to be sick.
Unaware of the fact that she had a national audience, Ainsley took off her earpiece and ran down the sidewalk where she threw up her "terrible" breakfast in the bushes.
When she walked back to the set, she was stunned to see that her editors, friends, and family had texted her to know if she was okay.
None of them knew that Ainsley was pregnant. Only her husband and her doctor knew about the pregnancy. But "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski asked her if she was pregnant so she had to tell her.
Brzezinski comforted Ainsley and told her not to worry about the moment of weakness that she had on air. According to Ainsley, that experience made her realize that her health comes first and that she could lean on her colleagues for support when she needed it.
"The cliche “it takes a village” really is true and it starts much earlier than I thought! Even at seven weeks!" she told "NBC." She realized how easier the journey becomes when you can count on someone to have your back.
Now, Ainsley and her husband, Newman Ainsley, are proud parents to Mary Wells Knight Ainsley. NBC correspondent Katy Tur welcomed the little one on air.
Responding to Tur's warm welcome, Ainsley thanked her and also revealed that her baby girl is named after her great-great paternal grandmother who was one of the first women to win the Pulitzer Prize for Biography.