Brittney Griner Parents: Meet Raymond Griner And Sandra Griner

Brittney Griner Parents: Meet Raymond Griner And Sandra Griner: Brittney Griner, whose full name is Brittney Yevette Griner is a professional American basketball player. She was born October 18, 1990, in Houston, Texas, in the United States of America to Raymond Griner (father) and Sandra Griner (mother). Brittney plays for the Phoenix Mercury of

Brittney Griner Parents: Meet Raymond Griner And Sandra Griner: – Brittney Griner, whose full name is Brittney Yevette Griner is a professional American basketball player.

She was born October 18, 1990, in Houston, Texas, in the United States of America to Raymond Griner (father) and Sandra Griner (mother). Brittney plays for the Phoenix Mercury of the Women’s National Basketball Association currently imprisoned in Russia.

The professional American basketball player began playing college basketball for the Baylor Lady Bears in Waco, Texas. She has 3 siblings whose names are Shkera Griner, Decarlo Griner, and Pier Griner.

Brittney Griner Parents: Meet Raymond Griner And Sandra Griner

The professional American basketball player, Brittney Griner was born to Raymond Griner (father) and Sandra Griner (mother) in Houston, Texas, United States.

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Unfortunately, there’s no information about her parents. Raymond and Sandra kept most of their lives from the eye of the public. Hence details like their date of birth, age, occupation, height, weight, and ethnicity are not known

Brittney Griner Age

Brittney Griner was born on October 18, 1990, she celebrated her 32nd birthday on Tuesday, October 18, 2022.

Brittney Griner Wife

Brittney Griner has been married twice so far. The professional basketball player first married Glory Johnson (2015–2016) and she’s currently married to Cherelle Griner since 2019.


Is Brittney Griner Released From Russian Prison?

Brittney Griner according to reports is released from Russian Prison today, 8th December 2022 as a result of a Prison swap with Viktor Bout. The deal was initiated by US President Joe Bidden.

