The Big Brother 25 showmance between America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger continues to be popular. And their fans are loving it.
Cory and America recently updated fans with some big news about their relationship. It happened in a video for a fan, where America revealed where she would be living (with Cory).
America has been doing many Cameo videos for fans, with Cory often serving as her co-star in many of them. And fans love sharing those videos on social media.
Cameo is a website where people can pay to receive a video message from a celebrity. Many Big Brother alums are part of the site, giving fans access to the players.
After exiting the Big Brother jury house, America and Cory have been featured in many Cameo videos. Not only does it give fans a treat, but it also allows the showmance to update everyone on their relationship.
The sheer volume of online videos shared on social media has led to Americory trending. The videos will likely continue as Big Brother: Reindeer Games begins.
Cameo videos from Americory shared on social media
Below are some videos that fans have shared on their social media pages.
In the first video, America speaks about becoming a cast member. She also drags Luke Valentine a bit. Luke is the former houseguest expelled from the show for violating the code of conduct.
The Cameo below is shorter, with America talking about her love for reality television.
More social media posts about Americory
America, Cory, Jag Bains, and Bowie Jane recently did a live chat discussing Big Brother 25. During a portion, America spoke about taking information to Jag.
Americory also had a live watch party where they sat down to watch the Humiliverse argument between Cory and Jared Fields. Many fans watched with them.
It seems the popularity of this showmance only grows as the days pass.
More Big Brother news and notes
A new Big Brother spin-off debuts this month on CBS.
The Big Brother: Reindeer Games cast was announced – including Cameron Hardin from BB25. As episodes roll out, maybe Americory will do live chats about them.
Here is the schedule of Reindeer Games episodes on CBS. It gets started on December 11 with a two-hour premiere.
As for the other Big Brother 25 houseguests, Cirie Fields is back in the news for winning an award.
Cirie also revealed she wants to go on The Amazing Race. She even announced who she wanted to partner with.
Big Brother 25 episodes featuring America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger are available for streaming on Paramount+.
Big Brother 26 airs in the summer of 2024.