Man studying to be a priest arrested for child porn at Cincinnati seminary

CINCINNATI (WKRC) A Cincinnati man has been arrested on child porn charges. The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office says Broderick Witt was studying to be a priest at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary in Mt. Washington.

A Cincinnati man has been arrested on child porn charges.

The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office says Broderick Witt was studying to be a priest at Mount Saint Mary's Seminary in Mt. Washington.

The Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force tipped off the Regional Electronics & Computer Investigations section (RECI) of the sheriff's office about Witt's alleged online activities last September.

He was arrested at the seminary on Feb. 9 and charged with eight counts of pandering sexually oriented material involving a minor. He'll appear in court on Saturday.

Anyone with information about this investigation is asked to call RECI at (513) 946-8338.

Rev. Anthony R. Brausch, Rector released a statement which reads in part,

"Mr. Witt is no longer a student of this institution, nor a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

The seminary and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati have strict policies against, and take significant precautions to prevent, anyone from possessing or accessing material of this type, regardless of whether they are a student, faculty, or staff. Discovery of such material will result in immediate termination or dismissal and notification of law enforcement.

We have cooperated, and will continue to cooperate, fully with law enforcement and the prosecutor’s office. We are committed to doing all we possibly can to remove the scourge of child exploitation and abuse from our Church and society."

