Jessica Gaude, 8, from Knoxville, , was once the world's fattest youngster. She had to roll around on the floor to move about since her legs couldn't hold her weight. Jessica used to eat every two hours, and if her parents didn't give in to her demands, she would throw a tantrum, Jessica’s mother Carolyn claimed. Seven-year-old Jessica Gaude was clearly the odd one out in her age group, weighing a little more than a whopping 489 pounds. She couldn't run or walk any longer, so she dragged herself over the floor. Her bones were also significantly deformed as a result of her excess body weight.
The an incredible 10,000 calories per day, was unable to move or withstand physical exertion, and her cardiovascular system was in . Coca-Colas, 15 hamburgers with fries, and several kilogrammes of chocolate were part of her daily "diet." She used to consume the equivalent of a year's worth of junk food in a single day. Her breakfast consisted solely of white bread, potato chips, and two litres of soda, yet she felt hungry no matter what she ate!
Jessica's binge eating was putting her life in serious jeopardy, and when she started having respiratory problems, she was sent to East Tennessee . “All parents make mistakes, there are no perfect parents, but I made mistakes that could have cost my child’s life – and I have major guilt,” Carolyn explained. Jessica was finally taken into custody by Child Protective Services and brought to an obesity clinic in Virginia, where she was put on a rigorous diet and exercise regimen. She was able to lose 320 pounds without surgery because of the assistance she received but she will require reconstructive surgery to remove the 20 pounds of extra skin and to realign her crooked bones.
Jessica’s mother stated, “I’m very proud of her.” Jessica, on the other hand, acknowledged that she had been "food addicted." Her mother has now barred her from eating in between meals and has forbidden her from having snacks without permission. Carolyn also started attending parenting classes in order to assist Jessica in losing weight, and she now closely controls her daughter's diet. Jessica on the other hand goes to physical therapy five times a week and travels to the local grocery to buy low-calorie items, finally able to move on her own.