"Inta El Haz" Facts
"Inta El Haz" has reached 54.9M total views, 381.2K likes, and 0 dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on 11/10/2021 and spent 20 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Inta El Haz" is "AMR DIAB - INTA EL HAZ | عمرو دياب - أنت الحظ".
"Inta El Haz" has been published on Youtube at 11/10/2021 18:58:14
"Inta El Haz" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
Amr Diab - Inta El Haz, from album "Ayeshny" produced by @Nay For Media
Lyrics: Tamer Hussien, Composer: Aziz El Shafey, Music Arranger: Wesam Abdel Moneim, Mix & Digital Master: Amir Mahrous
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