This weekend, legendary actress Regina King suffered the worst loss of her life. Her 26 year old Son Ian committed suicide, after a struggle with mental illness MTO News reported.

Right now on Twitter, thousands of people are circulating posts promoting a conspiracy theory surrounding Ian’s death. The posts are claiming that the young man’s death some sort of a “blood sacrifice.”
The theory of Ian’s “sacrifice” came after a person uploaded this video of Regina, standing next to her son – and talking about how she didn’t want to play a mother who lost her son. It’s pretty eerie, given all that happened.
Ian’s death, while tragic, seems pretty straight forward. Both police and the family are confident with the coroner’s finding of suicide.
But Twitter is proposing this outrageous alternative theory to Ian’s death. The theory – according to thousand of people on Twitter – is that somehow Ian was a “blood sacrifice.” It’s not clear what they believe Ian was sacrificed for . . . or to whom.
What MTO News can say is that it’s pretty disrespectful for folks on Twitter to be circulating this outrageous conspiracy theory. But spreading outrageous conspiracy theories is pretty much all that Twitter is for these days.