If you notice leaves turning yellow on butterfly bush, it’s time to investigate the possible causes. Buddleia prefers well-drained soil and full sun for best flower production. Wet roots can cause the plant to decline and the roots may rot in overly soggy conditions.Click to see full answer. Also know, why are my bushes turning yellow?Poor Irrigation. Too little or too much water causes the leaves of an evergreen shrub to turn yellow and appear stressed. The water prevents the roots from absorbing oxygen, causing the foliage to turn yellow. To overcome this problem, plant the shrub in well-draining soil.Likewise, what’s wrong with my buddleia? One more of the buddleia diseases is phytophthora, another fungal root rot. It’s noticeable above ground by yellowing leaves, smaller than usual flowers, and stems rotting on the plant. Phytophthora can sometimes be treated by the application of fungicide, though sometimes even with treatment the plant will die. Accordingly, how do you save a dying butterfly bush? How to Revive a Butterfly Bush Try the scratch test. Try gently twisting a stem around your finger – if it snaps off, it’s probably dead, but if it bends, it’s probably alive. If it’s late in the spring and you discover dead growth on your butterfly bush, prune it away. How do you look after Buddleia?Water freely when in growth and sparingly otherwise. In the summer, water if rainfall is less than 1 inch per week. Avoid fertilizing butterfly bush; too much fertility promotes leaf growth over flower production. Remove spent flower spikes to encourage new shoots and flower buds.