As the story goes in 1 Samuel 16, God informs Samuel that he has chosen one of Jesse's sons for the job and that he must invite him to a sacrifice (via the Lewistown Sentinel). When Samuel asks to meet Jesse's final and youngest son, we learn that he was a shepherd who was tending to sheep while the prophet was sorting through his older brothers.
When David appears in front of Samuel, his appearance finally becomes clear. In 1 Samuel 16:12 in the New International Version of the Bible, it says David is "ruddy, with a fine appearance and handsome features." Other versions say David was "glowing with health and had a fine appearance and handsome features" (via Bible Gateway). Across all translations of the Bible, David is often described as a sight for sore eyes — most descriptions of him say that he was a very good-looking man with beautiful eyes. And in the very moment that David appears before Samuel, God tells the prophet to immediately anoint him as king. And so David, the youngest son of Jesse, succeeds King Saul.