Although Robin McGraw dealt with a lot of uncertainty as a child due to her father's alcoholism, she is adamant that her mother, Georgia, worked overtime to ensure that Robin and her siblings always felt safe and protected. "What I remember most of all is her smile. Even through the darkest times, my mother never failed to smile. It reassured my siblings and me that when we woke up, there would always be someone in the house taking care of us," Robin penned in a 2022 article for Readers Digest.
Sadly, Robin's time with her mother was abruptly cut short when she died at 58 years old. According to Robin, Georgia called her one day and said she "felt funny" and requested to speak to her son-in-law, Dr. Phil McGraw. "And I said, 'What do you mean by funny?' And before I had even finished that question, she was already gone. She died, that fast, of undiagnosed heart disease," Robin recounted during an interview with Yahoo Lifestyle.
According to Robin, her mother hadn't ever even been to a doctor. "I truly had a revelation that day. I decided to do everything I can to be my best — in mind, body, and soul — so I can take care of my family," she declared to The Hollywood Reporter in 2014.