Tasha Cobbs Dead: A False Rumor That Shook The Gospel World

Tasha Cobbs Leonard is a renowned gospel singer and pastor who has won several awards and accolades for her music and ministry. However, in early September 2022, she became the target of a malicious rumor that claimed she had died of a heart attack. The rumor spread like wildfire on social media, causing confusion and

Tasha Cobbs Leonard is a renowned gospel singer and pastor who has won several awards and accolades for her music and ministry. However, in early September 2022, she became the target of a malicious rumor that claimed she had died of a heart attack. The rumor spread like wildfire on social media, causing confusion and grief among her fans and followers. However, the rumor was quickly debunked by the singer herself and her representatives, who confirmed that she was alive and well.

How the Rumor Started and Spread

The rumor of Tasha Cobbs’ death seems to have originated from a YouTube video that was posted on August 31, 2022, by a channel called 한방슬롯 (생방송) The video, which had a misleading title and thumbnail, claimed that Tasha Cobbs had passed away after a tearful goodbye. The video had no credible source or evidence to back up its claim, and it was clearly a clickbait attempt to generate views and revenue.

However, the video managed to fool many unsuspecting viewers, who believed that the singer had actually died. The video was shared on various social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where it reached millions of people. Many fans expressed their shock and sadness over the news, while others questioned its authenticity and asked for confirmation.

How the Rumor Was Debunked and Refuted

The rumor of Tasha Cobbs’ death was soon exposed as a hoax by several reliable sources, including the singer herself and her husband. On September 1, 2022, Tasha Cobbs posted a video on her Instagram account, where she assured her fans that she was fine and thanked them for their prayers and support. She also denounced the rumor as a lie and a scheme of the enemy, and urged her fans to be careful of what they watch and share online.

Her husband, Kenneth Leonard, also posted a video on his Instagram account, where he confirmed that his wife was alive and well. He also expressed his anger and disappointment over the rumor, and called out the people who were behind it. He said that they were playing with people’s emotions and trying to profit from their pain. He also warned them that they would face the consequences of their actions, and that God would deal with them accordingly.

Several other sources, such as gospel websites, blogs, and news outlets, also reported that the rumor was false and that Tasha Cobbs was alive and well. They cited the singer’s own statements and videos, as well as her representatives and close friends, as proof of her well-being. They also condemned the rumor as a malicious and disrespectful act, and advised the public to be vigilant and discerning of what they see and hear online


Tasha Cobbs dead was a false rumor that circulated on social media in September 2022, claiming that the gospel singer and pastor had died of a heart attack. The rumor was based on a YouTube video that had no credible source or evidence, and was clearly a clickbait attempt to generate views and revenue. The rumor caused confusion and grief among the singer’s fans and followers, who believed that she had actually passed away. However, the rumor was quickly debunked by the singer herself and her representatives, who confirmed that she was alive and well. The rumor was also exposed as a hoax by several reliable sources, such as gospel websites, blogs, and news outlets, who cited the singer’s own statements and videos, as well as her representatives and close friends, as proof of her well-being. The rumor was denounced as a malicious and disrespectful act, and a scheme of the enemy, and the public was advised to be careful of what they watch and share online.

