Family and community members will gather for a funeral service this Friday for the Nocatee 5th grader who died shortly before the new year.
A visitation for Sofia Cardona will be held from 3 to 4 p.m. in St. John Paul II Catholic Church located at 127 Stone Mason Way, Ponte Vedra Beach. A funeral service will start at 4 p.m. with a reception to follow.
Sofia’s father shot and killed her before killing himself at their home on Bucktail Avenue on Dec. 30, sources tell First Coast News.
The principal of Palm Valley Academy previously sent a letter to families saying that they will have grief counselors at school when students return from break
You can click here to see the list of resources that the St. Johns county school district listed on their website to speak to children about grief and loss.
Click here for more information about the funeral for Sofia.
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