Ann Joy Obituary, Death – At the moment, Ann Maria Joy may be found residing in Idukki. She has reached the age of 17 and is originally from the town of Thannayar. She left while she was receiving therapy for the ailment that she had been suffering from ever since the cardiac arrest that she had undergone two months earlier. This condition she had been suffering from ever since the cardiac arrest.
Her condition was brought on by the cardiac arrest that she had. The final hours of life were lived in a private hospital in the city of Kottayam, which was the place of the dying moments. Ann’s mother and father, Joy and Shyni, both of whom can be found residing in Nattuakalpara, are her mother and father, and Ann is their daughter. Ann is the only kid that they have.
She had been experiencing heart failure for some time prior to the time when she passed out while she and her mother were attending the Sunday mass at St. Thomas Forona Church. Her mother was also there. Initially, medical attention for Ann was provided in a private hospital in Kattapana. After that, she was transferred to the Amrita Hospital in Kochi, where she was cared for by a team of medical professionals with extensive levels of education and experience.
After the intervention of Minister Roshi Augustine, who made it possible for her to be quickly evacuated from Kattapana to Caritas, she was initially relocated to Caritas in the month of July. This was after Minister Augustine made it practicable for her to be instantly evacuated from Kattapana to Caritas.
On Sunday at two o’clock in the afternoon, the funeral services are going to take place at St. Thomas Church in Thannayar.